The Value of Taking Your Cat to the Groomer
Cats not only thrive with professional cat grooming—they also require it. Grooming is a part of every pet’s care routine. And while cats notoriously handle most of the cleanup on their own, they also need a little help from a human.
Professional cat groomers do all the things cats can’t do themselves: remove excess fur, get rid of tangles, remove mats, and clean the ears, to name a few. They’re also trained to look for lumps, bumps, or other potential health issues that you might need to discuss with your vet.
Simply put, there’s real value in taking your cat to a professional groomer. Here’s why.
Is It Worth Taking a Cat to the Groomer?
Yes, it’s worth taking your cat to the groomer. Cats can’t clean themselves thoroughly, nor can they handle the big stuff like mat removal, ear cleaning, or nail trimming. Your cat’s groomer can do all of the above safely and efficiently, leaving your cat clean and healthy.
Professional cat groomers use salon-quality tools and products that most cat owners don’t have access to. These tools allow groomers to groom and bathe your cat safely, even if your cat typically puts up a fight. Groomers are skilled at handling cats and can do so without injuring your cat or themselves. It saves you time, money, and hassle, plus you don’t have to worry about cleaning up when you’re done.
Do Cats Need Professional Grooming?
Yes, cats need professional grooming, even if they seem skilled at cleaning themselves. Your cat will groom themselves on a daily basis, which helps to remove excess fur and keep their coat clean and shiny. But there are some places your cat can’t reach, such as the back of their tail and underside. As your cat ages, they become less flexible and struggle to reach certain areas.
Cats also can’t handle certain tasks on their own, such as cleaning the inside of their ears, removing mats, or trimming fur. These are things a professional groomer can handle while leaving your cat looking and feeling their best.
When Should You Take Your Cat to the Groomer?
You should take your cat to the groomer regularly—every 6-8 weeks or so, depending on your cat’s needs and habits. A full grooming session helps to keep your cat’s coat shiny, healthy, and free of mats and tangles.
Regular grooming can help prevent odors, dander buildup, and other issues, such as tangles or painful matting, which will be more costly to address.

What Does a Full Grooming of a Cat Include?
Cats should receive a basic grooming on a regular basis. This includes brushing, a bath, ear cleaning, and nail trim. Think of it as a spa day for your feline. They get complete care from whiskers to tail.
Some cats may require additional services, such as mat removal or fur trims. Pet parents might also prefer a breed-specific cut, such as a lion cut or bolero cut. These cuts can help long-haired cats stay cleaner and require less maintenance in between groomings.
How to Groom a Cat that Hates Grooming
Another reason to let the professionals handle your cat’s grooming is the simple fact that they’re used to working with feline clients of all temperaments. It’s no secret cats have a natural aversion to water. But the reality is that many cats who hate grooming simply haven’t been exposed to the process often enough.
Professional groomers use gentle techniques that are safe for your cat and themselves. They use a variety of tools, such as grooming bags and cat helmets to distract your cat, keep them still, and prevent them from biting, scratching, or running away. In fact, many cats who used to put up a fight often find themselves enjoying the experience (or at least tolerating it a little better than before).
Kitty Spaw experts take no shortcuts when it comes to helping your cat learn to love grooming. We use calming music, soothing language, and gentle products that let your cat feel comfortable. We take our time and give the cat breaks so they feel less stressed. And bribing with treats always comes in handy! Overall, patience is a top priority.
What to Expect with Professional Cat Grooming
Certified Feline Master Groomers have unique experience in handling and working with cats. This means being used to working in confined spaces with a moving target, which is easier said than done. We take multiple safety precautions to keep your kitty still while we’re using tools to trim and remove fur or toenails.
Our groomers will go through the service with you before we begin so you know what to expect. Based on your cat’s appearance, size, age, and other factors, we may recommend or require other services that allow us to do our best work. This might include suggesting nail caps for indoor cats or bringing in a second groomer to help with an unruly or extra large kitty.
We always have your and your cat’s best interests in mind and will prioritize your cat’s safety and comfort, no matter the service.
Let Our Professional Cat Groomers Come to You
There’s immense value in working with a professional cat groomer, especially if your cat fights you tooth and nail to avoid bath time.
To answer whether you should bring your cat to a professional groomer, the answer is no—let our groomers come to you! Our mobile cat groomers serve West LA, Malibu, and the Valley, allowing your cat to remain in familiar surroundings while enjoying their spa day. Request an appointment today!